Paul: Change Your Nutrition, Change Your Life

Paul’s story started with a moment of incredible pain. The pressure on his chest was like nothing he’d ever felt before.

He quickly found out that he had a hundred percent block in his right artery, a left bundle block, a heart murmur, sarcoidosis on the right side, an enlarged heart, and leaky valves.

His life hung in the balance. And he was running out of time.

It was a miracle, he says, that at the Cleveland Clinic he got the cardiologist that he did. As Paul lay in a gurney, getting ready for surgery, the cardiologist looked down and told him, “You know, I’ve only done this serious of a surgery twice in 20 years. Would you be willing to try something different?”

Paul replied, “Yes, I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.”

And in that moment, Paul’s life changed for good.

Watch the rest of his inspiring story.

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