Wellness Training Institute
We Help You Live A Better Life!
With the advent of modern medicine so many of my patients are living into their 90’s and beyond. But, how many of them are truly enjoying their lives?
We all know, it’s not how long you live, it’s how well you live!
It is time to take control of your health…

years of experience
about us
Meet Dr. Michael Dangovian, DO, FACC
Good health does not happen by accident..
With over 30 years of experience I have learned, we are what we do..
Wellness Program
Wellness Training Institute
Have you tried various ways to get healthy, but nothing has worked? We get it. We have a systematic approach to health that will give you your life back.

We understand exactly where you’re at. Health is such an integral part of who we are. It affects us deeply. It affects how we feel about both ourselves and the world around us. It affects our relationships. On a very real level, it affects everything.
The medical community at large has done us a disservice over the past century. By narrowing its treatment focus to either just the symptoms or just one cog out of thousands in the whole human machine, many people who just can’t seem to get well after visiting doctor after doctor eventually throw up their hands and give up.
Why Choose Us
Our Passion For Wellness
No matter how bad the news about health trends happens to be at any given moment—it’s dire, if you haven’t looked in a while—that doesn’t mean that those trends have to continue. As a country we might be fat, sick, and dying. But that doesn’t mean staying stuck in this unending toxic feedback loop has to apply to you.

We Help You Live A Better Life, Freedom!
Wellness Products
Prostate 60 Capsules$51.10
Premier Co-Q 10 100mg 50c$24.98
Calm 180 Grams$39.78
BergaMax 60 Capsules$49.40
GiZn 60$51.08
Fem Balance-FX 60 Capsules$25.98
HistPlex 120 Capsules$48.80
InflamZ Vanilla Chai 24.9 oz$83.20